Vanessa moved to Dorset two years ago from Hertfordshire where she exhibited for fifteen years including two solo exhibitions in London. Her first show in the South West was in 2014 at Pythouse Walled Garden Cafe, with an exhibition of intimate still lifes of flowers and textiles.
Selected pieces are exhibited at the Russell Gallery Mixed Summer and Christmas Exhibitions in London each year; her sixth year with the Russell including a one woman show in 2012.
Vanessa’s formal training came from the Heatherely School of Fine Art during the 1970s. Her passion for painting continued whilst raising a family, but her training was formalised at BCUC Hertfordshire with a B.A.(Hons.) Fine Art Degree as a mature student in 2005.
Painting familiar objects in their environment is the theme of her paintings. Living in Dorset with more light has changed her palette and thoughts on colour. St Ives is a new discovery and the presence of the sea and white light has brought new and exciting influences to recent work.